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Source Report Header

July 19, 2024

Natural Gas (US/MMBtu)




Gas futures were trading back in the red for most of the morning before bouncing back and forth above and below yesterday’s settle for the afternoon, closing fairly flat to Thursday by end of day.  Strong production volumes and weak LNG exports have been enough to offset lighter than average storage injections in 9 of the last 10 weeks, along with summer temperatures not reaching the highs that were expected.  Month to date so far, prompt month prices have been slashed by 20% as a result, but bullish traders still have enough hope for the back half of July and August to increase cooling demand and support a price hike. With more LNG export capacity coming online later in 2024 and early 2025, it would be a bit risky for producers to curtail volumes again as those terminals prepare to take gas.  (PR)

“The further you get away from yourself the more challenging it is.  Not being in your comfort zone can be great fun” – Benedict Cumberbatch

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